Maximize Panasonic’s Official Action Camera sponsorship of the Spartan Race series and raise awareness around Panasonic’s line of ‘Spartan Proof’ imaging and audio products by designing, building, and executing an 8-month national experiential tour.
Engage race participants with a custom 20’x40’ experience that allows them to create their own Spartan-inspired slow-motion 360 victory videos and tough portraits, using Panasonic imaging products to document their Spartan race experience. Encourage participants to explore the products through interactive touch-and-try displays and test their Spartan skills in a timed physical adventure challenge. Extend the experience by delivering content and purchase offers via a branded email and microsite that could easily be shared via social media.
The Panasonic Adventure Tour resulted in over 22,000 participants who directly engaged with the experience, generating 6,126 new opt-in emails, 6,550 branded 360 victory videos, and over 8,200 tough portrait images which were shared to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, resulting in more than 592,000 content views and 7,153,565 overall impressions.