Design and produce a seeding kit to support the relaunch of Ben & Jerry’s Non-Dairy frozen dessert line. The kit should highlight the reformulated oat base and the launch of the new Non-Dairy flavors and be shipped out to influencers to drive awareness and encourage media sharing.
Trigger(House designed and produced a kit dedicated to capturing the creamy, dreamy experience of eating the reformulated Non-Dairy line. The kits included custom sticker sheets featuring new Non-Dairy pints and scoops, as well as custom branded cloud-shaped placemats. The kits also included a DIY cloud light kit with instructions guiding recipients through an “at-home professional photo shoot,” starring one of three included Non-Dairy pints. These instructions also included a way to reuse the dry ice from the packaging to create a dynamic cloud effect to increase the “cool” factor of the photo subject. This continues the brand’s mission of upcycling by creating additional purposes for irreplaceable materials and improving the sustainability and reusability of the materials. In addition to designing the custom mailer, T(H managed all fulfillment, packing, and shipping logistics for delivery to coincide with the new flavor launch.